Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's going well

I've gotten most of the bugs worked out now and things are going smoothly. I've been working in Baton Rouge for the last few days and just got 12 more up there. Guess I'll be around here for a few more days at least.
PaRR has been sending batches of inspectors to the Texas area for the hurricane Ike event. Not sure I want to do that yet. It would seem that given the extent of the damage, the inspections will be a lot more time consuming. and the pay will be the same.

I have not been seeing much damage other than trees down up in Baton Rouge. All the people I have met have been very nice and have been willing to adjust to be able to meet me for the inspection. They did not have a mandatory evacuation there but since most of the power was out for several days, many moved out. Everyone lost food in refrigerators and freezers and I have gotten several reports from my applicants of break ins and stolen property like TVs etc. It's too bad but there are always those jerks that will take advantage of a disaster and prey on their neighbors while they are vulnerable. It always happens during these events. There are also scam artists "contractors" that will take cash money for work and never come back.
"Kick 'em while they are down" seems to be their philosophy.
I have only had two possible fraud applications from people trying to "game" the system. We don't confront them about it, just do the inspection and make a comment in the notes and flag the inspection for review. Let FEMA handle them. We are not FEMA cops, just inspectors.


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