Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Got The Call!

I'm moving again! Just when I was getting to know my way around here and Baton Rouge.
Thought I was going to be here a while longer. Just got 25 new inspections in the Baton Rouge area. That is enough to take me through Sunday at least. I had just finished filling out all the forms for 25 contact sheets and I get a call from the office telling me to clear the jobs off my computer and call in to get a fresh download of new jobs in TEXAS!! I sort of expected it any time but thought I had some more time with the new inspections I had received. Oh Well, it comes with the territory I guess.

By the way, I've grown to hate driving around here. This town is one way street hell and you are constantly having to make U-turns to get any where. It even confounds my GPS now and then. The GPS had me making serial U-turns and going in circles the other day. LOL
All in all, the VZ Navigator service on my Verizon phone has been very useful. For some reason, the GPS that I use with my tablet computer crapped out and will not work anymore. I would just buy a new copy of Microsoft Streets & Trips with GPS device built in but I have no optical drive to load the software on my Tablet PC.

I'll start packing tonight and head out in the morning. I still don't know where in Texas I'm going. They just said head out and start driving and stop somewhere along the way and connect to the server to download my new jobs. Then I will know. Gee Thanks! It's a good thing I'm not anal about this. It would make someone that was crazy (er). I wish I had gotten around to doing laundry today. I'm almost out of clothes again. As hot and muggy as it has been, you sweat out the shirts pretty fast. Guess I'll have to do that on the fly during the trip.

I've been keeping in touch with my friend from Texas, Joanna. She and her family had to evacuate because they live just north of Galveston. I looked on the map and was amazed how close they really were to where the hurricane came ashore. It looks like the eye came right over their town of Texas City. Also amazing is the fact that they suffered no damage. She has been calling me from all around Louisiana as they were moved from shelter to shelter. One night they actually were put in a horse barn! She's home now so she is starting to cool down, but she was pissed and I got to hear about it every night. LOL Glad it all worked out for her and family.

Guess I have a bit of a drive tomorrow so I better sign off now. I'll keep in touch if I can get on-line.

1 comment:

  1. I find your blog very interesting in regards to working for Parr. I took the just in time training offer they had in Atlanta last week and I waiting for my deployment call. I found out last night that FEMA/Homeland security has not completed my background it sounds like some more waiting is in store. Do you report to the Hilton in NO where they are offering some more just in time training or to the Radisson? What is your opinion of the work that remains to be done. Do you think that there will be too many inspectors? Your input will be appreciated. Thanks so much and keep blogging.


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