Monday, September 08, 2008

At last I can work!

I finally finished all the briefings this afternoon and can start inspecting. I will start tomorrow.

The Hotel / Housing saga continues. Thought we had another good deal but when my room mate went by, he called and told me that he wouldn't keep a horse there it was such a dump and the lady at the front desk was a bitch. Keep looking I guess. This housing situation is becoming the biggest problem of all. I've been here two nights and have been in two different hotels and we are looking for a third. I just need someplace inexpensive to hunker down and be able to get some work done instead of having to move every day.

Currently I'm rooming with a guy from South Carolina that has some experience. That's a good thing, he can mentor me on this process and I can help him with computer issues.

I've noticed that most of the inspectors are very friendly and you can strike up a relationship pretty fast. I've had two "spur of the moment" room mates so far. Sort of "need / got a room?" Bang! Done, split the cost for another night.

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