Sunday, September 28, 2008

The "Camp-out" is Over.

The "Camp Out" is Over (Wednesday, 9/24/08)

Well, they did it again! I had just gotten a download of 35 new inspections in the Baytown area and my number came up on the list to go Galveston. So now I get to send all 35 back and get new ones in the Galveston area.
I got 52 jobs in La Marque TX, on the mainland, about 15 miles north of Galveston Island. The Island has been closed since Ike came calling and they are just now starting to let the evacuees back into see what is left of their homes and businesses. I think we are being "staged" in the area to be ready when the claims start coming in. This time I'll try to get a bunch of inspections done before they take them away.

This is some 90 miles from the Beaumont FEMA camp so it's too far to drive back and forth each day. Time to pack and move again. I have a friend that lives in Texas City that offered a corner of floor in her living room to put down my air mattress so I am good to go for now. La Marque is about 15 minutes from here. Sweet! I have already booked 12 inspections for tomorrow, Friday, and a couple for Sunday as well. Everything is pretty close together so I am able to book them pretty tight and get more done each day. I should be able to knock out these first 50 by the weekend. Cha Ching! Up in Baytown, they were spread all over the county, some were pretty far out in the sticks. I was doing well to get in 6 in one day up there.

Stay Tuned, the Adventure Continues!

1 comment:

  1. Boomer,

    Your blog is awesome and it has given me so much insight about being an inspector down in the gulf area. Before your blog I was not sure what to expect. I am signed up with PB and will headed down the Meteirie for my initial briefing. I have a feeling after my briefing I'll be sent to Texas. If you have any advice for a new inspector could you please send it my way thanks. David


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