Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Looking Back

Well, I'm back home in Los Angeles now. I got back on the 20th at 6:00 PM. I've been home for a week now just getting sorted out after 50 days away. Lots of things to catch up on.

First thing was to send off my Motion TabletPC to see why it died on the way home in Phoenix! It just quit working and would not respond to the on-off switch to restart it from standby after I checked my mail while on a two hour layover there. It did this once before and I had to send it in.
It turns out that the mother board was cooked and needed replacing. To the tune of $530! and 2-5 weeks! This was not acceptable as I need this computer for my work that I would soon return to. (at least I hope my job is still there!)

I began the search for a new TabletPC as that is my preferred form factor. There are a ton of offerings out there. Some were just not in my price range for a field unit that gets some hard use. I saw units in excess of $4500. These were the "ruggedized" Military Spec type that you can drop in the water and run over with a truck. I really did't need that. I used one of those for my FEMA inspections that PaRR inspections provided.
I decided to switch to a "convertable" style from the "slate" style that I had been using. The convertable style has a built-in keyboard and looks like a conventional laptop except the screen can spin around and lie flat over the keyboard like a slate. The unit I eventually chose, an
HP tx2510us, is a "dual mode" screen with both "touch screen" and an "active digitizer" that works with a special stylus. It is taking a little while to get used to the new system (along with Vista) but I like it so far. I wanted the digitizer screen system since I do a lot of "inking" as in handwritting and that does not work well on a pure touch screen system.

Oh Oh! When I called in to tell the guys ar work that I was back and ready to restart I was told that "John will call you". That does not bode well! I may be looking for a different position or going on my own at a time when the Real Estate market is in the tank. This would kind of suck since I've been with this group for 6 years now and am one of the senior inspectors there.
We had been told by the CEO that since work was slow, it would be ok to step away for a while and do something else with no problems when we were ready to come back. The ethics of this is questionable. They have been known to reverse on past statements and I should have been better prepared to make a change. I have been working on some options but nothing is in the income producing stage yet. Better get busy! Time will tell I guess. Still waiting for "that call" from John.


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