Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Doing Your Duty", Jury Service

Yesterday I had to report to the Los Angeles Superior Court to be a part of the "jury pool". Talk about "hurry up and wait", this was the epitome of that concept.

Instructions on the paperwork say "Must arrive by 7:30 AM and enter through such and such door only". Well, at 7:30 AM, they opened that door only to tell up to go around the side to another door where we got to wait some more.
Once in the "Jury Assembly room", we wait a while longer while they get it together and wait for stragglers. (the last finally showed up at 8:30 AM!) The clerk runs through all the info about what is going to happen, how to fill out the form, (which was supposed to be done already) and talks about reasons that might be valid for excusing from service or postponing it. Blah Blah Blah.....

Finally, at about 10:00 AM we get called up to the court room for MORE instructions and more "weeding out". Remember, I've been here since 7:30 AM!

First, we get to meet the lawyers and the principals in the upcoming trial and listen to what is essentially their opening arguments so we can get a feel for the trial issues.

Then the Judge explains his estimate of how long this particular trial will take.
He estimates this case will take 22 trial days! Counting the various holidays and other commitments he has, this case will run all the way into October. Holy Crap! I can't be off work for this long. I will be pushing a shopping cart by the middle of September!

The Judge explains his process for culling out those with "extreme financial hardship" claims and proceeds to do so. He also explains that he is one of the few that allows this during his selection process. Others do not do this and if he excuses someone today, it's a crap shoot if they might get worse from another Judge and trial since they do not allow for financial hardship excuses.

Long story short - I am able to get excused and, after lunch, return to the "holding pen" for another assignment. Here I sit for another two hours or so and finally, at around 4:00 PM, we all get released. Yeah, that's the end of it. No more requirement to serve for another year.

Later, Dana

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