Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Big "C"

Yep, I've been told that I have the "Big C". Diagnosed with prostate cancer in January.
Not great news but imminently survivable. Most men that reach age 80 will die with prostate cancer but not from it. It's that prevalent in our Western society.

I've been going through the "clinical staging" process for the last two months. Bone scans, MRI's, biopsies etc. So far, no spread, so due to my age (I'm 62) surgery is indicated. The down side of the surgery is a very low potential for incontinence and impotence if the surgeon can't spare the nerve bundles that control those things. Not good!

I'm looking into the new procedure called "Davinci Robotic Surgery". I've seen some video of it and it's pretty cool. Being a "techie", it really seems the way to go. A lot less time in the hospital and much faster recovery. No work, no eat! I'll be down for four weeks at least if everything goes well. Need to build up the war chest a bit for that much time off.

Rather than cut you open from navel to nuts, the robotic method works through 5 small incisions in the abdomen with robotically controlled tools and manipulators. the tools and manipulators are actually able to do things the surgeon cannot do due to a better range of motion. Plus, the whole thing is done under magnification so the surgeon can see much better and be much more precise.

I'm waiting to see my Urologist now to discuss the options and timing. I'll keep you posted.

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