Another productive day. Getting a mix of things to inspect now. Today was several houses, a few apartments and two mobile homes.
Did a total of 8 inspections today in Baton Rouge and made it back to the Big Easy around 5:30 PM. It's payroll day and I needed to pack up all my paperwork on the inspections I've done over the last week and a half and Fedex them and an invoice to PaRR Inspections in Virginia. I set up a Fedex account so I can just drop the envelope in a drop box.
I've uploaded several inspections today but did not get any more downloaded to me. I wonder if they are planning on sending me to Texas soon? A bit concerned about that because the conditions are a bit rough over there. Housing and transport is not good, poor or no cell service which means no wireless broadband for sending up reports and tough inspection conditions. Oh well, I signed up for this. I guess I take what comes and make it work.
I have been taking a few pictures as I travel around. Some are of the very poor conditions of normal life in some of the poorer areas, some are funny and others are just interesting. I'll try to share a few here.

This house was for sale for $159,900 in Baton Rouge!
Coming from the hyper inflated Los Angeles area, this is amazing. This house would be at least $750,000 or more in L. A.

Driving south towards New Orleans over the causeway.

These run day and night up and down Canal Street to the French Quarter and Bourbon Street.

This is the view out the tenth floor window from my hotel room.

Most of the Baton Rouge neighborhood streets look like this.
Note the piles of downed trees waiting to be removed.

Nice tree, too bad it fell over. Thought the grass looked cool on the roots.

One of the shacks in the poor area south of the river in Harvey. Lots of these in the area I was inspecting. It was hard to tell if they were damaged by Gustav or Ike or Katrina or just old, falling down shacks. Tough call. Deferred maintenance anyone?
Well, I'm on the road at 6 AM tomorrow and it's alost midnight here now. Time to sign off.
Night all
Well, I'm on the road at 6 AM tomorrow and it's alost midnight here now. Time to sign off.
Night all
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