Still here in Bossier City, outside Shreveport Louisiana. Just finished a training cycle to do Registration Intake in the shelters. It seems that all the shelters in the north are closed or closing down and the people are going back home. I was sitting by a guy that was making phone call after phone call, trying to find shelters that were still open so we could be dispatched there.
Looks like we will be relocating again to southern Louisiana where the shelters are still open. Still no official word on that yet though so we wait some more.
This is a very expensive proposition for FEMA to have all these bodies here waiting. I've heard from one source that it cost 14 million dollars to field all these people and put them on standby.
Here is how we spend most of the day.

Hanging out, waiting for the word or training in the lobby of the Holiday Inn. We've gotten very good at this pastime. It's either here where there is someone to talk to or back in the Hotel room "countin flowers on the wall", "smokin cigarettes and watchin Captain Kangaroo" as the old song goes. We have been doing this for 5 days now. Hope we get going soon!
P.S. Feel free to comment or ask questions.
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