Cluttered webpages block access to information.
You know the ones I'm talking about… You click on a link somewhere to read a news story or an article in the page that pops up is so cluttered with ads, auto-play videos and pop over demands to sign up for the site that there is only about one third of the page left for the actual information you are trying to read. This annoys me to no end!
I have found a solution that works for me.
It's called Readability. This awesome free program strips away everything but the actual article and reformats the article in a nice clean page in a large enough font to easily read.
Here is a simple example:
This is what a typical page looks like.
This is the same page after readability is stripped away all of the crap.
All of the images are included and the only thing that is stripped off is all of the distractions of the ads, videos and pop-overs.
Additionally, Readability allows you to save the article to read it later, send it to your Kindle reader or capture the Readability link that can then be pasted elsewhere or, using PushBullet (another awesome free app) to push the link to your mobile device if you don't have a actual Kindle reader