Hi again,
It's now October 2 and I thought I should update this situation.
Last time (see previous blog) in March, I said that I had been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.
The next step in the process is called "staging" to determine the extent of the cancer. This involved many, many tests. I've had MRI's, CAT scans, Ultrasounds, blood tests (seems like dozens) EKG and the infamous DRE. (digital rectal exam)
I thought they would never stop poking and prodding me through every orifice they could find!
The bottom line, yeah, I have cancer and it needed to be operated on to remove my prostate.
I had mentioned about the Di Vince Robotic operation but that was not an option since my HMO didn't have that available and my urologist was not trained in it's use. We went the old fashioned way, big incision down my belly.
It was scheduled for August 3rd and I was in the hospital for 4 days, pretty much out of it on Morphine drip. At first, even with the morphine, it felt like someone was twisting a hot knife in my guts when I coughed. That gradually abated. Took some Vikadin for about a week or so then stopped that too. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I also got to wear a catheter for three weeks and diapers or pads after they took that out until I regained control. That was a major PITA!
I have been on a hormone therapy called Lupron that suppresses the production of testosterone, which apparently feeds the cancer, since two months before the operation. Each shot lasts three months. I got another one two weeks ago. This treatment totally suppresses your libido and I have been getting hot flashes as a side effect. Great fun.More Joy! I've just been to see the radiation oncologist and he feels that a course of radiation is called for since there was some residual cancer in the surrounding area per the post-op pathology report. He recommends the Lupron for at least a year along with a 7-1/2 week course of radiation. Once a day, five days a week. That should be great fun. Talk about disruptive of your life schedule! Actually, I'm lucky in that I'm partially retired and only work in the afternoons so it shouldn't be too bad.
Stay Tuned