Here we go! Just had the idea to post a few thoughts from the viewpoint of a "late blooming" Baby Boomer Geek.
I have always been a SiFi fan and interested in technology. I began reading SiFi novels by the old masters like Heinlein, Pohl, Hubbard etc. in my early teens or before. Not only was it "escapist" but predictive. I couldn't wait for the things these visionaries spoke of in their writings. I've been delighted with the progress and frustrated with the poor implementation or lack of developement of others.
I've been "riding two horses" for most of my working life. While I WAS a Geek at heart, I couldn't seem to make it pay. I tried several times. My fallback was my not unsubstantial talents with my hands. I've been in the construction trades for over 30 years and am still a general Contractor in California where I live. I've been a factory trained auto mechanic for 12 years, a chicken farmer, telemarketer, business owner, ex-Navy & Viet Nam Vet and motorcycle rider. I currently own my own Property Inspection business. This is only a "short list", I've been around the track more than one time to say the least.
Where am I today? Older, somewhat wiser and no richer, sad to say. Not to say I didn't enjoy the trip. I very much did and am still enjoying it.
Having been self employed for most of the time and easily bored, I never generated any sort of retirement plan. Now at 61, I face the prospect of working many more years trying to put something in place. No regrets, just deal with it.
Having said all that, I will return to my first love. Beeing a Geek! Conveniently, Geeks are "cool" now days.